The South End Writes author series, now in its seventh year, will start the 2017-18 season of local literary, culinary and otherwise exemplary luminaries on Tuesday September 12 when long-time South End resident Lynne Potts will talk about her recent Faces of a Neighborhood. The sequel to A Block in Time: History of Boston's South End Through a Window on Holyoke, published four years ago, Faces describes the South End lives of 24 residents she interviewed, newcomers, long timers, the rich and the poor.
Both Faces and A Block in Time were successfully self-published, but Potts is also a poet whose 2013 book of poems, Port Hole View, was brought out by the National Poetry Review Press and won its prize for publication in 2013. Potts has been a poetry editor for both the Columbia Journal of Art and Literature and AGNI, and was selected a Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellow in 2012. Her second book, Mame, Sol, and Dog Bark was released by the same press recently.
The South End Writes will host the following speakers after Lynne Potts talk: author/pediatrician Laura Gold (The Silenced Child) on October 10; veteran Time magazine correspondent and its former Rome bureau chief, Sam Allis (A Hero of Two Worlds) on November 28; and the James-Beard award-winning chef Jody Adams (In the Hands of a Chef: Cooking with Jody Adams of Rialto Restaurant) on December 5.
The authors' books will be available for sale, signing and borrowing. The South End library is fully handicapped accessible.